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Frequently asked Questions

Take Care DPC (Direct Primary Care)

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Answer All your questions

What is Direct Primary Care (DPC)?


Direct Primary Care is a healthcare model where patients pay a monthly fee directly to their primary care physician, bypassing insurance. In return, they receive comprehensive primary care services without copays or deductibles.

How does DPC differ from traditional healthcare?


Unlike traditional healthcare models, DPC focuses on building a direct relationship between patients and their primary care physicians. This model emphasizes personalized care, longer appointment times, and more accessible communication with the doctor.

What services are included in a DPC membership?


DPC memberships typically cover a wide range of primary care services, including preventive care, chronic disease management, urgent care, minor procedures, urgent care, medical weight loss, behavioral health, sexual health and wellbeing in men and women, pre-surgical preparation, nutritional counseling, and coordination of specialist care.

Are there any additional costs with Take Care DPC membership?


Generally, DPC membership covers all primary care services included in the monthly fee. However, additional costs may apply for services outside of primary care, such as specialist visits, hospitalizations, and certain medications or procedures not covered by the membership.

Do I still need health insurance with Take Care DPC membership?


Take Care DPC membership is not a substitute for health insurance. While it provides comprehensive primary care services, it does not cover all healthcare needs, such as emergencies, hospitalizations, or specialist care. It's recommended to have health insurance in addition to our DPC membership to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Can I cancel my DPC membership at any time?


Yes. DPC memberships may be canceled with a two-week prior written notice without incurring penalties. However, it's important to note that patients cannot re-enroll in our membership until six months have elapsed after cancellation.

Is direct primacy care suitable for individuals with chronic conditions?


Yes, DPC can be highly beneficial for individuals with chronic conditions as it provides ongoing, personalized care and frequent follow-ups with the primary care physician. DPC physicians often have more time to spend with patients, allowing for better management of chronic conditions and preventive care.

Can I use my DPC membership if I have Medicare or Medicaid?


Yes. Our membership seamlessly coordinates with your insurance for labwork, prescriptions, and diagnostic tests. However, we do not accept insurance for provider consultations. Instead, our membership covers these consultations, or patients have the option to privately pay for their consultation.

Is DPC suitable for families?


Yes, Take Care DPC membership can be an excellent option for families as it provides comprehensive primary care services for all members at a fixed monthly or annual fee. Our Take Care DPC practice offers family membership plans, making it more cost-effective for families to access primary care services.

How are DPC practices able to offer lower costs compared to traditional healthcare?


DPC practices eliminate the administrative overhead associated with billing insurance companies, allowing them to operate more efficiently. Additionally, by focusing on preventive care and building long-term relationships with patients, DPC practices can reduce overall healthcare costs by addressing health issues before they become serious.

Can I use my Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay for my DPC membership?


In many cases, yes. DPC membership fees are often considered qualified medical expenses, making them eligible for reimbursement with funds from an HSA or FSA. However, it's essential to consult with a tax advisor or benefits administrator to confirm eligibility and any specific requirements.

Are DPC memberships available to individuals with pre-existing conditions?


Absolutely! We accept patients with pre-existing conditions. Since DPC focuses on providing personalized care and building long-term relationships, physicians are equipped to manage a wide range of health concerns, including pre-existing conditions.

How does Take Care DPC practice handle prescription medications?


At Take Care DPC, our physicians can prescribe medications as needed. Additionally, we collaborate with pharmacies or wholesale suppliers to offer discounted medications. While patients may still need to pay for medications separately, our DPC practices frequently offer guidance on finding affordable options.

Can I continue seeing specialists if I have a DPC membership?


Yes, Our DPC physicians can coordinate care with specialists as needed. While DPC memberships primarily cover primary care services, physicians can assist patients in finding appropriate specialists and managing their overall healthcare needs.

Does a patient have to go into a physical office in order to be seen by a Take Care DPC physician?


No. Take Care DPC offers telemedicine consultations, allowing patients to access care remotely via video or phone calls. Telemedicine services can be particularly convenient for routine follow-ups, minor health concerns, or patients unable to visit the office in person. No more being stuck in the waiting room at your primary care doctor's office!

How does Take Care DPC practice ensure patient privacy and confidentiality?


Here at Take Care DPC, we adhere to strict privacy regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), to protect patient information. We use secure electronic medical records systems and follow established protocols to safeguard patient privacy and confidentiality.

Can I use my DPC membership when traveling or living in another area?


Yes! Our services can be accessed from anywhere in the United States and allows patients to have access to care from anywhere with an internet connection.

The help you need

Become part of a healthcare community that values your well-being. Our team is committed to building lasting relationships with our patients, fostering trust, and providing continuous support on your health journey. Ready to experience healthcare designed for you? Join Take Care Direct Primary Care today and take charge of your health!